African Black Soap has become very popular in Brampton and we have Authentic Premium African Black Soap from Ghana to supply you. We offer free shipping when you order online or you can come into our store. Black Soap is being used as a natural alternative to chemical and artificial ingredients that are in common soaps today. Black Soap contains the following ingredients: Plantain Skins, Cocoa Pod Ashes, Shea Butter, and Virgin Palm Oil. Yes, you can restore the natural glow of your skin and balance your ph levels with this holistic soap that is handmade in Africa. Use it to wash your face, body, and hair and you can also make liquid black soap. Use it daily as your cleansing routine and follow up by using Pure African Shea Butter to moisturize and nourish your skin. These products have not animal ingredients and have never been altered in any way. Make your own products at home like body butter, lotions, and creams using our Premium Organic Fair Trade Shea Butter in Ca...